What if every time we do business, Something good happens in the world?
Here at in2Web Marketing, that's exactly what happens.Here, we give solutions to needs business owners have daily...
- Ways to save time
- Ways to followup more efficiently
- What comes after collecting a name and email and you've delivered the free ebook download!
That's why each month we now give light and water on a global scale.
- A small solar lamp can enable a family to eat their meal in the evening with light as well as helping kids to study at night and other family activities.
If what I do day to day can support another to see the light and take a sip of water and be grateful, I'm content. I've made an impact on my client and also global impact through working with B1G1 to give back.
I was asked recently "Do you do this everyday?" by 'this' they were referring to coaching and consulting, taking what they're doing now in their business and streamlining it all. We do this three days a week - Tues, Wed, Thurs and are available for calls these days.
In2Web Marketing now gives back. On reaching the 'established long term business level' and consistently and reliably servicing clients businesses building business operating success services incoporating marketing automation, addresses the gaps to be filled which allowing them to scale and grow.
Every time one of our emails gets read, water is gifted or light is shared.
By working with us, you're already making a bigger impact as we give on your behalf.
Providing clean drinking water to communities throughout the world that are water scarce, providing access to a basic human right. How awesome is that!